Fellowship of the Asian Institute of Insurance (FAii)

Professional Qualification

FAii is an advanced insurance qualification programme, representing the highest and most prestigious level of professional achievement in the insurance industry. The programme provides comprehensive knowledge of the insurance and financial services industry. An individual’s knowledge, experience, professionalism as well as strategic and critical thinking abilities are assessed through research-based projects, case studies, or presentations.

Upon completion of FAii, individuals will be accorded the Fellow designation and digital badge.

Recommend For

  • Aspiring entrants in the insurance industry

Enrolment Requirements

  • Associateship of The Malaysian Insurance Institute (AMII) Level 2 or
    Associateship of the Asian Institute of Insurance (AAii) Level 2
  • Aii or MII Senior Associate Member
  • Employed (or self-employed) in insurance and/or takaful for at least four (4) years
  • Provide three (3) years record of CPD (including graduation year

Enrolment Requirements

  • Ability to enhance professional competence, enabling participants to gain deeper insights into program management, delivery, technical expertise, and ethical leadership within the insurance industry
  • Enhance responsibility and leadership skills within an organization related to any insurance field 
  • Further career advancement and contribution to the industry as FAii provides the necessary requirements to elevate the industry as a whole
  • Ability to experience comprehensive learning, ethical understanding and program management capabilities.

Learning Format

  • Self-Paced Learning 
  • 2 days workshop

Fellowship of the Asian Institute of Insurance (FAii)

Programme Modules
Programme Structure

For Inquiries


+603 2712 8882

Programme Modules

  • Ethics in Business (EIB)
  • Major Accomplishment
  • Testimony of Individual Advancement (TIA)

ACTION 1 - Completion of AMII

If you have completed your MII Associateship (AMII) or Aii Associateship (Aii) examination, you will need to enclose a copy of your completion certificate together and then proceed to Action 2.

If not, read more about our AAii flagship programme here.

ACTION 2 - Enrolment and Fellowship Plan

  1. Download the editable Fellowship Enrolment Form here and complete the Fellowship Plan.
  2. Return the completed Enrolment Form together with the Programme Fee of RM3,500 to the Aii.
  3. Please allow us 10 working days to process your enrolment and verify your Fellowship Plan.

Things to take note:

  • Enrolment of the Fellowship plan is valid for five (5) years from the date of its acceptance by Aii.
  • You must remain as Aii or MII Senior Associate member while on the Fellowship programme.
  • If the Fellowship programme is not successfully completed within 5 years, you will have to re-enroll and pay the programme fee in full unless the Aii Academic Council grants an extension due to special circumstances.
  • Resubmission of Action 3, 4 and 6 will be subject to a fee of RM300 per submission.

For more details on Action 2, download the FAii Guidebook here.

ACTION 3 - Ethics In Business (EIB)

  1. You will receive two case studies to analyse, conclude and return to Aii together with a completed Action 3 editable form. Download Action 3 form here.
  2. After the submission, your analysis of the case studies will be reviewed by an Aii assessor, the Subject Matter Experts for evaluation.
  3. Candidates will be informed of their results upon receiving approval from the Academic Council.
  4. You will be advised, in writing, when you have successfully completed the EIB.
  5. Should you fail to complete the EIB, you will be given a written explanation highlighting the amendments that you have to do before re-submission.

Things to take note:

  • Ethics in Business (EIB) is a mandatory component to the Fellowship election process and can be completed by self-study.
  • EIB is built around a framework for evaluating business ethics, contained in a book “Business Ethics: Decision Making for Personal Integrity & Social Responsibility by Laura P. Hartman, Joseph Des Jardins,Chris MacDonald McGrawHill, 4th Edition (2017)”.
  • Since the case studies will not be returned to you, we advise that you retain a copy.
  • You can register for the EIB at any time after enrolment. We suggest that you register for the EIB in the first year of your Fellowship programme. An early exposure to EIB can benefit you because you can immediately apply what you have learnt.
  • Resubmission of EIB will be subject to a fee of RM300 per submission.

For more details on Action 3, download the FAii Guidebook here.

ACTION 4 - Major Accomplishment

After completion of your Associateship, choose only one (1) of the following options below as your Major Accomplishment for assessment by Aii and submit together with the Action 4 form here.


Option 1 – New professional or management qualification
The following criteria will be used to assess the professional and managerial qualifications:
  1. It is obtained after achieving the Associateship.
  2. It must be obtained by independent/external assessment by the awarding body with a minimum of four (4) assessments or their equivalent at Associateship subject level or above.
  3. It must be awarded after a minimum of two (2) years part-time study or a minimum of one (1) year full-time study.
  4. The content of the qualification must be relevant to the insurance sector.
  5. The qualification must be complete and officially endorsed by the awarding body.
  6. A qualification used to gain credits/exemption for the Associateship cannot be cited as a Major Accomplishment.
  7. Aii will evaluate a qualification before you embark on it. The evaluation report will be given to you within 10 working days.
  8. When you apply, you must enclose evidence of non-MII or Non-Aii qualifications which comprised of the details of the method of assessment, the course outline, the syllabus summary of the topics covered and the examination papers undertaken as part of the qualification.
  9. If you have obtained the qualification, you must also submit either the original results notification and certificate or a photocopy (certified true copy) and includes your IC No. for verification by the Aii.
  10. If your qualification is unacceptable for the Aii Fellowship scheme, you will need to choose a different Major Accomplishment.

Option 2 – Major essay

  1. If your essay is based on your current employer, their written approval should be sought before submission.
  2. Your essay must be:
    • Typed in English.
    • Between 4,000–5000 words and include a word count (essays with word count and/or without a word count will NOT be accepted).
    • Must cover an insurance-related subject.
    • Written by you. It can be typed by someone with your instructions but you cannot submit someone else’s work as your own.
  3. Each part of your major essay would be assessed separately.
  4. You can submit an Executive Summary to obtain comments and opinion from our Subject Matter Experts. If the candidate would want to re-submit their Executive Summary for second opinion, they will have to pay RM50 for each re-submission.
  5. You will have to complete the Action 4 editable form here and attach your major essay for submission, which will be sent to MII assessors for marking.
  6. Please make sure that all pages are numbered accordingly.
  7. Resubmission of major essay will be subject to a fee of RM300 per submission.
  8. Candidates will be informed of their results upon receiving approval from the Academic Council.

Option 3 – Projects
  1. This entails a report in English on a major insurance-related project which you have either led or was a key member of the project team.
  2. If your project is employer-based, you must seek their written approval before submitting your project report.
  3. Your project report(s) must be:
    • Typed in English.
    • 4,000–5,000 words long each, regardless of how many projects are covered, and include a word count (projects without a word count and/or outside of the word count will NOT be accepted).
    • In the form of a written report. Check the FAii Guidebook for the elements of the report.
  4. Include a statement of how much time you spent on the project, counter-signed by the project manager or, if you are the project manager, by an authorized signatory of your employer.
  5. You will have to complete the Action 4 editable form here and attach your project paper for submission, which will be sent to MII assessors for marking.
  6. Please make sure that all pages are numbered accordingly.
  7. Resubmission of project paper will be subject to a fee of RM300 per submission.
  8. Candidates will be informed of their results upon receiving approval from the Academic Council.
Option 4  – Portfolio of published works
  1. This choice would only apply to those who have made significant writing contributions in insurance and insurance related books, monographs, journals and magazines (like Aii’s iN Insurance magazine).
  2. Your published work(s) should be:
    • printed in English (or with an English translation provided by you at your expense);
    • of direct relevance to insurance or to an aspect of insurance or a related field;
    • of a critical analysis;
    • used for reference and put in circulation to experts in that field;
    • invaluable to specialists in the field(s) covered.
  3. Four (4) binded copies of each published work (including, where appropriate, English translation copies) to be assessed must be submitted and will be retained by the Aii. Every published work must be attached with a written summary of 100 words identifying :
    • the purpose of publication.
    • where and when the work was published, including the ISBN number and the publisher.
    • the intended and expected readership.
    • the number of book reviews and indication of second printing.
  4. You will have to complete the Action 4 editable form here and attach your written summary together with the published works for submission, which will be sent for assessment.
  5. The portfolio of published work must include a maximum of three (exceptions may be made if the portfolio takes the form of a series of articles) different works, combining a minimum of 10,000 words in total. Books with more than 10,000 words will not be penalized but the content and analysis must be robust and rigorous. MII reserves the right to check the authenticity of the writer’s written declaration regarding all his or her published works.
  6. Candidates will be informed of their results upon receiving approval from the Academic Council.

Things to take note:

  • Should you want to change the Major Accomplishment submisson for the Fellowship, please inform Aii. This is crucial if you decide to register for another professional or managerial qualification.
For more details on all options, download the FAii Guidebook here.

ACTION 5 - Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

  1. Fulfil CPD requirement in the last three (3) years (including the graduation year) using the editable CPD Development Record. Download Action 5 form here.
  2. You must keep a record of CPD activities that you have completed and provide proof of the development activities which have assisted in your professional development.
  3. Verification of your CPD hours and activities will be done within 10 working days.
  4. MII reserves the right to audit your CPD at any time during the programme.
  5. MII will inform in writing if your CPD record meets the requirements.
  6. CPD criteria:


On-the-job training and workshop Interactive and participative course provided by your employer
  1. Written confirmation from your employer that training has taken place.
  2. Broad outline of what has been covered.
Seminars, conferences, webinars & talks Attend any seminar, conference, workshop training or talk.
  1. Attendance certificate, conference badge or some other written/email confirmation of attendance from event provider where possible.
  2. Event agenda which clearly shows what was covered during the session(s) and learning objectives (if applicable).
MII / Aii:16, Others:8
Technical authorship Writing articles, reports, books, and instruction manuals which are published for use by others
  1. Copies of the items you have written and details ofthe publications they appeared in or who they were distributed to.
  2. If you have written a book please provide full details of the publication (e.g. title, publisher, year of publication and ISBN number if applicable).
Article:8, Report:8, Instruction Manuals:10, Books:30
Taking examinations & tests Taking examinations, assessments or tests offered by MII or examining body which is insurance/business related.
  1. Confirmation of enrolment (if applicable)
  2. Course outline showing course content, learning objectives and learning outcomes.
  3. Copies of assessment result or certificates/transcripts
MII / Aii: 8, Others:4
Examination setting, marking and moderation Setting and moderating any examination offered by an examining body which is insurance/business related.
  1. Details of the examinations you have worked on (e.g. exam name, awarding body and content outline.
  2. Written confirmation from the relevant awarding body of your participation (if not MII).
MII / Aii: 8, Others:4
Conduct training for others Providing discussion, training, lectures, tutoring and/or instruction for others which sets clear objectives and learning outcomes.
  1. Written confirmation from the training organizers or copies of marketing literature for the course showing you as the trainer.
  2. Copies of the course outline, learning objectives and learning outcomes.
MII / Aii: :16, Others:8

Excluded Development Activities:

  • Social activities in local or affiliated institutes or at work. Exam invigilation for Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII) or any other awarding bodies.
  • Discussions, board meetings, sales meetings and promotional meetings.
  • Routine day-to-day work, including internal meeting and discussions.

Things to take note:

  • Regardless of the date you enroll into the Fellowship programme, you will be able to backdate your CPD records using the template provided.
  • It is best that you submit your CPD records for verification yearly at least by end of September or early October. This will give you about three (3) months to increase your CPD hours if it is insufficient.
  • CPD Hours can only be gathered if the activity has been finalised.
  • Each activity in the CPD criteria table is meant to describe one area of CPD activity which has an allocated number of hours which could count towards the minimum hours of compulsory CPD required for each year.
  • CPD based on the calendar year i.e.: 1 January to 31 December.

For more details on Action 5, download the FAii Guidebook here.

ACTION 6 - Testimony of Individual Advancement (TIA)

  1. Write a statement of your experience and personal development having gone through the fellowship programme and attached it with the Action 6 form here.
  2. The Fellowship evaluators will deliberate your TIA in detail and thus you should allocate sufficient time to complete the TIA.
  3. Your TIA must:
    • be typewritten in English;
    • Be clearly set out using the ‘classifications for appraisal’ headings below;
    • Not contain any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors (it helps to have someone else proof read your TIA);
    • Be 1,000 – 1,100 words long and include a word count (TIA’s without a word count and/or outside of the word count will NOT be accepted);
    • Depict you in a professional and formal manner;
    • Review what you have attained by providing an executive summary of your accomplishments; and
    • Be submitted with your application for election to Fellowship.
  4. Please make sure that all pages are numbered accordingly.
  5. Resubmission of TIA will be subject to a fee of RM300 per submission.
  6. Candidates will be informed of their results upon receiving approval from the Academic Council.

For more details on Action 6 especially on guideline to write your TIA, download the FAii Guidebook here.

ACTION 7 - Application for Admission to Fellowship

Applying for admission to Fellowship:

  1. You can submit your application upon the approval of Action 1 to Action 6 by the Academic Council.
  2. Please to attach the completion letter with the admission form here.
  3. We will send you an acknowledgement as soon as we receive your application form and election fee payment for the Fellowship.
  4. Your application to be admitted as a Fellow will be assessed and approved by The Professional Membership Council.

Evaluation date:

  • You should ensure that your completed application is received by Aii by 1st July in each year.
  • Applications received after 1st July will be processed for the following year’s graduation.
  • Applicants will receive their result approximately 10 weeks after the closing date.

Things to take note:

  • Upon successful admission, you will receive written confirmation that you have been admitted as a Fellow and are entitled to use the designatory letters, FAii, a right that belongs only to members who maintain this status by annual subscription.
  • You may not use the letters FAii or describe yourself as a Fellow until you have received this confirmation.
  • Your Fellowship Certificate will be awarded during Aii’s Graduation Ceremony.
  • If you do not succeed, you will receive a letter which includes the Professional Membership Council’s comments on why your application is unsuccessful and advice on what further action you need to take.
  • All re-submissions must be accompanied by an additional upgrade fee of RM100.

Programme Structure

Course level : Professional program

Course Duration : 5 years




Self-Paced Learning

Course Fee


3,500.00 MYR (inclusive of SST)

Student Registration Fee: 3,500.00 MYR



3, 4 and 6 will be subject to a fee of RM300 per submission.


Hear what our students have to say about their experience at MII.

My involvement in the Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII) Fellowship Programme has seen me becoming an agent of real change, creating a pathway for my staff to not only become more competent, but also to achieve higher professional qualifications. This has ultimately benefited both my company and the wider industry. Participation in the MII Fellowship Programme has thus been a definite boost for my career. I have gained new insights into programme management and delivery and have been encouraged to examine new potentialities. I have also become a truly valued employee, trusted with increased responsibility and leadership tasks, particularly in the area of General Insurance and the conducting of technical programmes.

My involvement in the Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII) Fellowship Programme has seen me becoming an agent of real change, creating a pathway for my staff to not only become more competent, but also to achieve higher professional qualifications. This has ultimately benefited both my company and the wider industry. Participation in the MII Fellowship Programme has thus been a definite boost for my career. I have gained new insights into programme management and delivery and have been encouraged to examine new potentialities. I have also become a truly valued employee, trusted with increased responsibility and leadership tasks, particularly in the area of General Insurance and the conducting of technical programmes.

Ms Mangiatilagam K. Velautham, FMII

FMII is the most prestigious qualification one can attain in Malaysia and I am challenging myself to do it. It had been my dream and vision to be a person who can contribute to the community. I want to contribute to the general insurance industry and hope that by attaining the Fellowship of MII, I can further propel my learning and sharing via the MII platform to the industry. The main purpose is to assist our industry to achieve a higher professional level and create greater awareness among the general public of insurance.

Ethics in Business (EIB) has given me insights on ethics and how impactful ethics in business is, especially for leaders. We know the importance of being ethical, but the EIB module made me to truly understand the role one needs to play and the impact it creates. One person’s role may be insignificant, but many individual roles coming together, make a huge impact. Hence everything starts from one person and that person is us. And all of this starts from becoming an ethical leader and that ethical training needs to start very early in a person’s professional career.

FMII is the most prestigious qualification one can attain in Malaysia and I am challenging myself to do it. It had been my dream and vision to be a person who can contribute to the community. I want to contribute to the general insurance industry and hope that by attaining the Fellowship of MII, I can further propel my learning and sharing via the MII platform to the industry. The main purpose is to assist our industry to achieve a higher professional level and create greater awareness among the general public of insurance.

Ethics in Business (EIB) has given me insights on ethics and how impactful ethics in business is, especially for leaders. We know the importance of being ethical, but the EIB module made me to truly understand the role one needs to play and the impact it creates. One person’s role may be insignificant, but many individual roles coming together, make a huge impact. Hence everything starts from one person and that person is us. And all of this starts from becoming an ethical leader and that ethical training needs to start very early in a person’s professional career.

Mr Weng Eu Gene, FMII

As a Fellow I look forward to applying the skills that I had acquired through the FMII programme to move to a significant role with greater responsibilities and challenges. Possibly to a Chief Underwriter role of a renowned Insurance company, so that I can contribute my knowledge to greater heights. Overall, this journey was fulfilling as I embarked to grow my skills as a whole-rounded Insurance expert.

As a Fellow I look forward to applying the skills that I had acquired through the FMII programme to move to a significant role with greater responsibilities and challenges. Possibly to a Chief Underwriter role of a renowned Insurance company, so that I can contribute my knowledge to greater heights. Overall, this journey was fulfilling as I embarked to grow my skills as a whole-rounded Insurance expert.

Ms Kalarany Nathan, FMII